Father’s Day 2015

This doesn’t doesn’t have anything to do with marketing or music but in presenting who i am I just had to share.

Today’s church service was unbelievable. Since it was third Sunday, I had to dance during praise and worship. The spirit was so heavy and just flowing throughout the sanctuary. Then co-pastor got up and basically charged us that we as a body have been slacking to put God first in our lives. How we allow the things of the world distract us, even something as simple as being on Facebook or on your phone during service just shows that are hearts are not captivated nor concerned about the things of God. You could truly hear God speaking through her words and that we have lost that desire to care about the things God cares about and paying attention to the things that break His heart. Bishop opened the altar to those who desired to come up and repent and ask for forgiveness. I’m no better than the next person, I’ve allowed the things around me to distract me and take more precedence in my life than Christ. It was imperative that I lay at His feet and ask for forgiveness.

It was so important because I’ve gotten so caught up with the things going on in the world from work to doing church things and even trivial things that I forget the reason why I do what I do. I’m just thankful for my church Shekijah and that they are not stuck on a set program but allow the Holy Spirit to move and flow through the service. Bishop ended up praying over married couples and families and truly charging both husband and wives to truly seek after the heart of God for both themselves as well as for their marriage and their spouse. I just love my church family truly.

After that I was able to fellowship with my roommate and a brother in Christ and just talk about what’s going on in each other’s lives and talk about relationships. A lot of our questions were answered and honestly I know that as much as I have a desire to be married and start a God centered family, I have to know that God’s timing is perfect. He’s never too early and never too late, always right on time. It can be discouraging especially coming into the season where it seems that everyone around is dating, getting engaged, married or having kids but I know that God has not forgotten about me and when the prince God has created for me finds me, it will all be worth the wait. Until then I need to focus on the things the Lord has put in my path to work on because during my time of singleness I can focus on things in my life both personal and things God has given me. I can focus on my health and trying to lose this weight (pray my strength), working on this blog and continuing in working on marketing, preparing to go back to school in the Fall, and just working on my overall relationship with Christ.

I’ve got a lot of things going on in my life but I must remember that I need to be busy in Christ not just busy for the sake of being busy. I’m just thankful that God is about a great work in me and He’s making moves even now.

Well that’s all for now, I’m currently working on my next upcoming review as well as an interview so stay tune 😉

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